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    Quick shout out to Melvin Village, NH!!

    No PA related things to report on. math class is going well? Still loving the ER, and I've had some good convos with docs and secretaries lately.

    Anyways, the point of this is to share an article that I found on the ADVANCE website regarding the show The Biggest Loser, which I DON'T watch for several reasons that were highlighted in the article. First, I truly believe these people are being exploited to make money for NBC. In essence the producers are getting people hooked on watching several people being humilated and reduced to nothing (typical reality tv). Really, how is it any different than the paparazzi or tabloids? Your judgments of the people on that show are being carefully tailored by editors. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by lots of quality people, but any one of us can be depicted to be grumpy, or weepy, or ditzy if cameras were on us 24/7.

    Secondly, it's SO UNREALISTIC (ironic, considering it's "reality tv"). Truth is, 99.9% of the population watching that show DO NOT have the amount of time or money to get the results that the contestants are getting. Because the drastic amount of weight loss is so hard on the body (and I'm gonna guess these dangers aren't relayed to the audience), these people are spending tons of time with doctors, nutritionists, and other medically related staff. All those visits add up. Combine those with lost income (since people are now working out as their full time job), and it's pretty expensive. Do they even do any followup with the contestants? I'm not sure, but I bet there are some issues going on regarding former contestants that NBC would like to keep hush hush.

    Here's the article: