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    I've officially completed my first week of emergency medicine. When I walked into the hospital on Monday, my eyes got a little big. This hospital is huge. I went from know 80% of the staff in the entire hospital I was doing surgery at, to probably knowing 0.8% of the staff at the new hospital. It's entire ED department is bigger than the surgery hospital. Everything is brand new. Their Peds ER is stocked with ipads and xbox consoles for the kids, on top of the usual DVD player in every room and toy corner.

    So far all my preceptors are great. I've done one shift covering the main ED, one shift covering their urgent care/fast track, and one shift covering their peds ER/overflow. All my preceptors have been great at pimping and coming to get me when they have a good case for me, like suturing, or a guy with textbook hepatic encephalopathy. I set myself up for failure this past weekend, as I got 13 hours of sleep in three days and was dragging mentally and was pretty crappy at answering pimping questions.  I even forgot my stethoscope my first day, which horrified me. Thankfully I've gotten 9-10 hours of sleep the rest of the week, and I'm starting on fixing my huge sleep debt from surgery rotation.

    The hospital is a level II trauma center, and they've been good at coming to get me when traumas come in. So far we've only had two, the first one turned out being a guy who had fallen a week ago on Plavix (making him level III) and his friends told him he looked like death and that he should go to the hospital. Turns out he was in acute renal failure. The second trauma was a level II drunk guy who had fallen backwards and hit his head and had several bleeds inside of his head. I'm getting ready for another shift in their main ER.